Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder. It is defined as a ‘state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realise their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.’ (WHO).

If we were to look over the thousands of photos submitted a few months back for our mosaic wall, used at Oceanology, the overall picture is glowing with positivity. Each photo show’s smiling faces, beautiful sunsets and incredibly inspiring scenery but is that an accurate reflection of offshore life? Probably for about 85% of offshore workers life is just that, ‘normal’ and beautiful. But what of the ones sometimes hiding behind the camera?

Research showed that up to 15% of surveyed offshore personnel have reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depression (2019). This is staggering, but sadly not surprising and inline with the rest of the UK population. Perhaps it isn’t offshore life causing this, but when choosing an offshore career, there may be compounding factors; isolation, home sickness and stress. Time away from friends and family, times when work and social time blurs together. Plus long shift patterns, night shifts, as well as rough weather patterns can all contribute to mental health state.

This year Mind are making a pledge; #NoMindLeftBehind. Mind is a brilliant, national charity that supports nearly half a million people directly across the UK. They campaign to raise awareness, improve services and promote a better understanding of all mental health struggles. The information and support they provide are easily accessible. The Local Mind centres are spread across the UK so people can seek out their closest support centre.

We wholly support their work and want to encourage anyone needing to reach out to do so, as soon as they feel able to. There will be no mind left behind.

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